Sunday, September 8, 2013


I have finally reach Doha airport after a long 7.5hrs flight. I am lucky with the huge leg room, good service from crew, high class breakfast and warm flight. Yes, such may be impossible for economy class flight. And yes, I am taking a business class flight this time round.

Although I have lots of praise as said above, but there are two things which I thought can be really improve. The movie selection are at minimum and old. There wasn't a wide selection either. Music was more on the 80s. I ended up sleeping through and played my iPad mini. The screen information of how long the arrival time and distance wasn't stated. Almost all of my time I am guessing how long more before we reach Doha when only I am not snoozing away.

I am glad a young lady sat beside me. We had some jokes and get to know each other a bit before we both slept throughout. She was from Qatar itself and came from the flight Bali. I forgot her name, except her positive warm jokes.

Anyway, the Qatar business lounge wasn't as impressive as I have thought before I flew. It was small and nothing too entertaining. As I am alone, I need to juggle with luggages alone. Taking a drink seems difficult when my hands are all full. But I'll try later, because I'm really thirsty. There is a small selection of buffet for business class transit passengers to fill their stomach. I haven't explore much on the food, since the inboard crew kept coming up with good food.

Before I came, read through some reviews which comment the lounge itself have massage chair and Xbox for entertainment. But I haven't seen any yet. Maybe I haven't really walk too much myself, I'll go explore later. However, shouldn't they have some brochures at the reception table for passengers to easy explore and place? Just my piece of thought.

Parents, sister and hub came sending me off. The feelings is great.

I have another connecting flight coming up in 2hrs time to Oslo. Then, another 7.5hrs flight. Hope I can get some sleep again. I need lots of energy to find train and my going-to-stay apartment for the next 2 weeks. Wish me luck. I'll update more later.

When you are alone, blog seems to be my next best friend. Hahaha...!!

Singapore time now : 1045am
Doha time now :545am


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