Thursday, September 18, 2014


You are one of the Analysts - a rational and impartial individual who enjoys intellectual pursuits and prizes independence. You are known for your debating skills, self-confidence and impressive knowledge.

Playing devil's advocate so well, people with this personality type may find that the most complex and rewarding intellectual challenge is to understand a more sentimental perspective, and to argue consideration and compromise alongside logic and progress.

ENTP Strengths

  • Knowledgeable - ENTPs rarely pass up a good opportunity to learn something new, especially abstract concepts. This information isn't usually absorbed for any planned purpose as with dedicated studying, people with the ENTP personality type just find it fascinating.
  • Quick Thinkers - ENTPs have tremendously flexible minds, and are able to shift from idea to idea without effort, drawing on their accumulated knowledge to prove their points, or their opponents', as they see fit.
  • Original - Having little attachment to tradition, ENTP personalities are able to discard existing systems and methods and pull together disparate ideas from their extensive knowledge base, with a little raw creativity to hold them together, to formulate bold new ideas. If presented with chronic, systemic problems and given rein to solve them, ENTPs respond with unabashed glee.
  • Excellent Brainstormers - Nothing is quite as enjoyable to ENTPs as analyzing problems from every angle to find the best solutions. Combining their knowledge and originality to splay out every aspect of the subject at hand, rejecting without remorse options that don't work and presenting ever more possibilities, ENTPs are irreplaceable in brainstorming sessions.
  • Charismatic - People with the ENTP personality type have a way with words and wit that others find intriguing. Their confidence, quick thought and ability to connect disparate ideas in novel ways create a style of communication that is charming, even entertaining, and informative at the same time.
  • Energetic - When given a chance to combine these traits to examine an interesting problem, ENTPs can be truly impressive in their enthusiasm and energy, having no qualms with putting in long days and nights to find a solution.

ENTP Weaknesses

  • Very Argumentative - If there's anything ENTPs enjoy, it's the mental exercise of debating an idea, and nothing is sacred. More consensus-oriented personality types rarely appreciate the vigor with which ENTP personalities tear down their beliefs and methods, leading to a great deal of tension.
  • Insensitive - Being so rational, ENTPs often misjudge others feelings and push their debates well past others' tolerance levels. People with this personality type don't really consider emotional points to be valid in such debates either, which magnifies the issue tremendously.
  • Intolerant - Unless people are able to back up their ideas in a round of mental sparring, ENTPs are likely to dismiss not just the ideas but the people themselves. Either a suggestion can stand up to rational scrutiny or it's not worth bothering with.
  • Can Find It Difficult to Focus - The same flexibility that allows ENTPs to come up with such original plans and ideas makes them readapt perfectly good ones far too often, or to even drop them entirely as the initial excitement wanes and newer thoughts come along. Boredom comes too easily for ENTPs, and fresh thoughts are the solution, though not always a helpful one.
  • Dislike Practical Matters - ENTPs are interested in what could be - malleable concepts like ideas and plans that can be adapted and debated. When it comes to hard details and day-to-day execution where creative flair isn't just unnecessary but actually counter-productive, ENTP personalities lose interest, often with the consequence of their plans never seeing the light of day.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


I had my first acupuncture last Tuesday. One of the colleagues and I were researching on facial/slimming acupuncture and came across some bloggers who visited this TCM in Chinatown. after a short consultation with the doctor, the colleague went into one of the room with one of the tuina doctor for her first ever tuina, while I went into the next room for acupuncture. the purpose of my acupuncture is to improve the overall health of my body, although I must admit that was not my main motive visiting this TCM in the first place.

the first need was poked into my stomach. slight discomfort was experience after a few more needles were poked into the stomach and on my thigh. then when the doctor poked the next few needles into my feet, I screamed a little. there were electric wave and the sensation linger for quite some time. doctor say slight electric sensation and numbness experienced is normal. she continue to work fast on both of my hands and poked the last few more onto my face. since I was having my menses at that point, she skipped 2 more needles.

I lied there for 30 mins without moving, because any movements cause pain on those area where the needles were. 30 mins thereafter, there were slight pain (like ant bite) when the doctor came in to remove the needles. I walked out slowly because my feet feel a bit sore. I was given 14 days of medication to consume.

I don't know how acupuncture can help to improve my health. I will try a few more times to determine the effectiveness of it. since acupuncture started close to more than 2500 years ago in ancient china, sure it has it advantages and benefits to it. Also, it is explains acupuncture as a technique for balancing the flow of energy or life force — known as qi — believed to flow through pathways (meridians) in the body. By inserting needles into specific points along these meridians, acupuncture practitioners believe that energy flow will re-balance.

Hb once a while will complain about shoulder/neck pain, maybe I should ask him to try acupuncture.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


i am getting sleepy at 4pm in the office. wish I am having a nap now in my comfortable bed. no, that's sound too greedy. perhaps sofa is good enough. yawn...!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Just 2 more weeks and I am turning 29. If I am fortunate to only live till 60, I’ve already live half of my life.
At this age, I started noticing changes in my body. I used to have 100% energy level, but now I rated it as 70%. I am no longer as active as before. Instead of going out with friends, I rather go for dinner or stay at home watching videos. The number of times heading to the gym decreases as well. From 4 times a week to only 1 or 2 times a week.
Teeth/Gum aint strong as before also. Digestive system likewise getting slightly weaker.
My skin become drier then formerly. It just seems like the elasticity of my skin tumbles from a 100% to a 70%.
My face is not as radiance as it used to be. I never have the habit of putting sunblock because the oiliness is just not what I am looking for. To me, the oiliness creates unwanted pimples on my face. Then I love the sun. I can stand there and let the sun shine onto me. Research says the sun has Vitamin E. The disadvantages of this  at age 29, freckles slowly appearing. Pimples that comes and goes but left a dark pigmentation on the face. Pores become larger. Everything all sound so-not-good.
So now, in order to prevent extra obvious aging to my already negative list, I started pouring money into skin care, expensive facial, moisturizing hand or leg cream and my latest invested product… collagen consumption. Does it really works? Honestly, I don’t know.
Friends and families told me how important collagen for female because female produce less collagen than men and collagen is gradually losing about 1% every year according to research from medical doctors. Dr. Liow Tiong Sin is an aesthetic practitioner who said this in his blog,  “Collagen is a natural protein component of the skin that acts like a frame and the main building block for cells, tissues and organs. About a third of the protein content in your body is made up of collagen, which is found in the bones, muscles, and tissues of the organs. Collagen, keratin and elastin give the skin its strength, elasticity and structure.”
For now, guess I will stick to my regime. Works a not, guess only time till tell.
Kudoos to almost a 29 years old me. Giving myself a pat on the back for walking this far.

Monday, June 30, 2014


I started something in the beginning of June, and ended it in end of June as well. Should have push on, but thinking long term, it doesn’t benefit me at all. Anyway, family members don’t support me on this as well so everytime I say I am doing this, they shake their head. Demoralizing huh.

Standing was long hours, hands kept working with cold water (frequent immersion in cold water can suffered from rheumatoid arthritis) and colleagues are loud/aggressive. Money was little. 

Those were the bad points.

The good ones, are basically the servicing of customers. It was really nice when you pack their drinks and say thank you. They smile back or sometimes, strike a small conversation.

Perhaps I am better being a customer. OR perhaps I am not suitable for such environment. However, I worked in Hans Café before and the environment is much friendlier. At least, the staff don’t chit-chat so loud that the person taking the orders have to kept asking customers to repeat themselves.

If you have guess it right, yes, I have a short stint at Koi Café in the East. If you see me before, most of the time I am packing the drinks and saying “thank you and have a nice day”. 

Now I wonder what  is my next adventure =)

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

GOLF - 7TH + 8TH LESSON (Mandai Golf Course)

Finally we went to the golf course. It was drizzling so we couldn’t get into the golf course until the siren goes off.
The coach checked that we have everything, but reprimanded us when we did not bring tee and balls. Seriously, I was not very happy that time. How can I be happy when I am being accused for forgetfulness. It was our first time going into the golf course and he did not inform us pre-hand on what to bring and what to prepare. If he did, we would have purchase it when we went to a golf fair. I felt injustice, but kept quiet. Then he  lectured me again loudly for wearing sports short (adidas running shorts), saying that I never learnt. But really, instructions are not clear. All he did when he told me on my dressing was asking me to wear polo shirt! Can you imagine how I feel. In my mind, I was giving him kicks and punches. Anyway, I courteously told him I have a pair of extra button shorts in the car, if he insist I can just go change. He toned down a little and say nevermind. I guess he is unhappy with us when we have to wait for our turn to go into the golf course and that’s when he says we should go for a drink, I did not offer to pay. But that’s my assumption.
We head to the first hole. No instructions given before we went in as well. All he did was yell and being impatience. That kind of sucky attitude lasted until the 5th hole. From the 1st to the 5th hole, I sweared at him inside my head. All I want to do is to get over and done with. Towards the end, he tone down a little and explained with more patience. However, it was too late. Rain came and we have to rush to finish the remaining holes.
If you asked me if my 1st golf course experience is a good one, I can be really honestNO.
Then if you asked me what is the reason I did not enjoy the gameis because of the coach.
Like very honest hor -.-
When hb and I are prepared to learn new things from our 1st experience in the golf course, and the temperament from an attitude coach spoilt our chance of absorbing knowledge from the game. It was sad and pitiful. The thing is, we did not owe him a living and we did not engage his services for free. WE PAY MONEY YOU KNOW!! I don’t expect someone calling himself a teacher when he don’t know how to teach.
We have 2 more lessons with him. And he trying to act as if he forgotten about it. Even though I paid 10 lessons, I decided to forget about the last 2 lessons.
You know I have so many complains with this guy. So long that an A4 size paper is not enough for me to write. Did I even mention anything about his student which is a Doctor (doctor, doc wife and 2 kids) after us and he can make us go elsewhere to finish the golf balls in the driving range just because the doctor came and our time is not even up? Then the students in front of us continue using the space even when it is our time slot just because they always give him money for free through illegal betting (bet on how far he can hit). Very SIAN LOR!
If he ever see my blog…
It is just so disturbing. On our 4th lesson, hb and I actually have already decided to take another 10 more lessons from him before going for certification. Forget it, guess as long as we can afford (although we are not rich people), we can get another reputable coach who will treat people with respect (not seeing how wealthy one person is).
Sorry, rant too much… but so angry you know.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


I was back from Bangkok and the thai govt has decided to instill Marshall Law just a day I return. So I have researched and found out that Marshall Law = is the imposition of military power over designated regions on an emergency basis. But really, 4 days in Bangkok, I didn’t see any demonstrations or riots or even any police patrolling around outside the shopping malls. Then again, safety is the top priority and given that we have registered with MFA, receiving updates everyday was assuring enough.
Anyway, that’s not my purpose of this post today. I am trying to dedicate this post to my returning flight back to Singapore – Scoot Singapore (TZ301).
We took Scoot (got promotion). I wasn’t very happy with Scoot when they changed my flight which shorten my overall trip. And while we are in Thailand, trying to log online to upsize our luggage capacity for check-in was a hassle as well. We have to call and buy through phone. The charges was expensive too. Compare to Air Asia which I took to Thailand 2 years ago, Scoot aint friendly and has many improving to do. Not happy with the customer service person who talk to me too. She was rude and sound impatience. I haven’t even finish talking and she hung me up. Forgot to ask for her name. Grrr…
My impression with them change while on the flight back. There are several passengers having a tough time trying to find their seats. Simply because they (the passengers) mixed up their own tickets and have a slight commotion finding those seats. The flight attendant was patience though, requesting them to go to a corner and help sort out their tickets. Everything (the noise from the commotion) settled down within 5 mins.
Then during the landing, the air craft met several turbulence which prevents the plane land. A few times, the plane was shaking heavily. I was scare undeniably. The thought of the recent Malaysian airline surfaced in my thoughts. At that point of time, I knew how scare the passengers in the Malaysian air craft gets. The feeling was vulnerable. With excellent flight control from the plane Captain, we landed safety. HOORAY!! That very minute, I thank God. Of course, I thank the plane Captain for such good handling of the plane in such distress moment which gets us to safety.

Thursday, May 15, 2014


Tuesday was a public holiday in Singapore so sis, hb & I went to Mandai for golf. FML, I got stung by a bee 3 times  on the same right thigh yet I never knew anything about it. At first, it was a little blue black so I told my sister I must have swung my driver too hard that I hit myself.
Next day woke up for work, my right thigh was swollen and itchy. I woke hb up but nothing he can help. I went to the doctor and to work afterthat. So the swollen got worse and in a bigger patch. Can you imagine the swollen area was measured about 3 cm and become 10cm in the afternoon. You can practically imagine how I drop my jaw. The itchiness was up from level 1 to level 4. I went back to the clinic again. This time, I was prescribe a heavier dose with a possible effect of drowsiness. Had the medicine at 9pm and drowsy at 11pm.
Although I was given MC, I still come to office. Now the itch is like level 5 and pain subside to level 3 from level 5. Had the medicine at 930am and only now I started to feel sleepy at 1130am.
Hope it will get better because I am flying to Thailand tomorrow. Cannot wear shorts also because the 3 bites are slightly above my knee. People might thought I got disease or something. Worse still, I ate prawn last night which I don’t think I can. Guess no seafood for me when I am in Thailand. SAD MAX. Googled and I was told bee stung need about 2 weeks to heal =(

OK, got 3 of them but I cant take all 3 because one is a the side . the red spots are the posion spot while the swollen area are light pink surrounding the red spot. you can see my flesh is basically higher then the normal area.


Saturday, April 26, 2014


first hit - driver
second, third, fourth hit - iron
then repeat the process...

this is what coach asked me to do today. when I tried to hit with my driver the second time, he caught me and says when he is around, I couldn't do that. I figured, probably he is using the rules of green to guide me in order to prepare me for our green in the next lesson.

7th 8th 9th lesson- will be on the green.

10th lesson - driving range (fixing errors during the green game)

anyway, today at the last 15 mins, he taught us chipping using P/SW.

Monday, April 21, 2014


On 16april14, hb brought me my first new golf set – Slazenger Lady Panther. It was pink, but acceptable in my opinion. Make a few slow motion swing (to prevent hitting any furniture at home) and took some selfie with my new set. He said this is for the 3rd year wedding anniversary gift. Well, I am happy as long I save my pocket. LMAO!
On 17april14, we went to collect hb golf set as well – Golden Bear series.
We went to Mandai to have a few swing (80 balls). I tell you, throughout I was praying I have a good shot because I don’t want end up scratching my clubs. Disappointingly, I did scratch a few. Afterall, I am not expert yet and still trying to control my balls. Hb wasn’t having a good time since he couldn’t make a lot of shots. The ball stay still on the ground. I can see he was frustrated but I suggest he talks to the coach about why he hasn’t able to make any shots at all. End up, he did manage to hit a few, while I finish the rest of his balls.
Finally came to the 5th lesson.
Hb was nagging me that I ought to bring my new clubs to season but I gave the excuse it will add more scratches to the 3 days old. He brought his though. When the coach ask why hasn’t I brought mine too, hb didn’t wait for a second to spill the bean. How not cool right, should give me some face mah! Then the coach proceed to telling me nobody cares about scratching the base as the most important is the club face. He show us how to clean the club face after that. Shortly later, he proceeded to teach me on swinging movements. Hb didn’t get to learn though, because his swings still rusty (laugh loud loud not giving him face). Anyway, hb asked the coach why he couldn’t get many shots with his new club while I can (I can hit the ball and give it a good swing using hb clubs too. HAOLIAN I KNOW). Coach explain because he need to season with his club first before good shots can come in. while I can hit the balls with my new clubs, is merely because I have a good posture and swing. When the technique is correct, it is no problem getting the ball fly, but to let it fly far, it might be a problem. Hence, it is important to season with the clubs to understand the clubs better. For that one hour, I didn’t hit any driver. With the new body swinging movement in place, I only use that hour to practice my iron 7.
2 more lessons to green :)

Thursday, April 17, 2014


when I am down, only music save me from being drown on my own sorrow

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


'You Who Came From the Stars' has been very very popular among girls around the world. so i went to watch it but... bored. so i really dont know why it is getting so much attention on the actor/actress/drama when there are better shows around.

alright, maybe i watch 'Master's Sun' first, then a week later I watch the stars. because I often hear people you must wait for a month before you can watch another drama due to the afterward effect emotionally. but without doubt, the latter has more impact on me. the drama draws my attention on the storyline (all the different funny and sad ghost in the drama, especially the coffee boy and rubbish man).

stars vs sun who do you prefer? i prefer the sun definitely.


Its 4th lesson already with coach at Bishan driving range. Time flies isn’t it.
To prevent the coach for not teaching us driver, I had hb to ask him before the lesson starts. So yes, coach says he will be teaching us driver. It is like FINALLY!!
We started off with iron 7 for the first 15 mins and then coach asked us to stand at the side for driver explanation. I am always thrilled at learning new things because usually I can get bored after doing the same thing for a while. Afterwhich, he wants us to swing the driver without the ball yet onto the rubber tee because he says the correct hitting of ball using the driver is by hitting 50% onto the tee. Then shortly after, he brings out a wooden tee and ask us to hit it. If the wooden tee didn’t fly off then our swing is wrong. I manage to hit it the 2nd time and also breaking the tee at the same time (-.-). Total satisfaction =)
At the end of the lesson, hb asked the coach if we have to get our own clubs. And the answer is an obvious yes. 3 more lessons and we have to go to the green, so it is better to have our clubs and practice more on our own. Sibei sian need spend money again.
So for the subsequent days, we look for new/old golf sets for comparison. The price must be reasonable also since this is our 1st set. Wish us luck :)

Sunday, April 13, 2014


I just finish watching their DVD.

my heart never stop pumping banging screaming.

they are BIG BANG... its really FANTASTIC BABY ;)

Heard this summer they will be releasing their new album, cant wait!

Friday, April 11, 2014


this is cute isn't it.

I am emo-ing today. And I saw this... I smile.

Hope this helps to make your day slight positive too.

Monday, April 7, 2014


Honestly, I was a bit disappointed when the lesson starts. Coach handed hb and me an iron 7. I was puzzled but did not question since I thought it will be better to go through iron before driver. Coach amend some ‘common mistakes’ which newbie golfers made (which kind of happen to us as well).
1. Focusing on arm too much
Coach kept correcting our upper body movement because he said we are using too much upper body power to drive the ball. He emphasize it is important to hit ball comes from legs and hips. The arms and hands are just a tool which utilize lower body power to drive the ball.
2. Wrist Movement
We got to know when to use the wrist movement. When swing a golf club, wrists should turn over as a result of the motion. But many golfers start their swing with a tight grip, then try to loosen it as they move the club back. Yet if we do not start with locked wrists, though, then we will never need to un-lock them when swinging the gold club down.
3. Finishing
Coach says some golfers make such mistake. As in, after the swing, they did not finish the swing. This could make the ball not flying beautifully far. In my own opinion, I think it is more of a prevention of body injuries? I do feel awkward when my swing is not full.
So that’s the entire lesson. The coach did not teach us anything about driver yet although he promised he would the last lesson.
In the middle of the lesson, he corrected our attire. He criticized my shirt is not collar and hb did not tucked in. but I personally don’t find anything wrong since we are only at the driving range? Perhaps habits should start early. But really, I feel he shouldn’t criticized us in front of everybody when he did not say anything on what we should wear during the 1st lesson. He expect us to use our observation. Seriously, I see people wearing singlets and tshirt in the driving range too. He says it’s the standard to wear collar shirt, I questioned silently, who set the rules? Those professional golfers? What logic it is behind for wearing collar shirt? So I search google and got this answer...
" Some small local courses don't require a collared shirt. Most nicer courses will though. Reason? Golf started out as a wealthy gentleman's game and the courses are just trying to keep it appearing that way. It's an image they want to maintain. Same reason why some nicer restaurants and clubs will require a jacket be worn in the dining room. The wealthy image allows them to charge more $$$... and that's what makes the world go around. ~ TeeDawg 2006"
Overall, I hated the coach ego and his short concentration level he has for us. For example, when people walked pass he will strike a conversation. When there are passerby who got lost he was kind enough to show them the correct place. When one of the trainee he likes, he kept talking to her. FOR F..K SAKE WE PAY YOU SCHOOL FEE TOO!!
Now I wonder if he will really teach us new things in the next lesson.

Thursday, April 3, 2014


Used to go reds and I have been going there for the longest time. Always using the same hair stylist since he has been cutting my hair the way I want it. I tried to change to another stylist in reds, but the outcome wasn’t that pleasing. So when my sister calls me to inform me reds in nex close, I was devastated. Perhaps its fate, my sister’s friend chance upon the hair stylist in nex and we are in contact again. Just that, he was reposition to somewhere much further away from nex which is not convenient. I suggest my sister and I to try other salon in nex instead. After several up and down to different salons to find a suitable one, we decided to try HAIR INN since, it has the most customers inside (in the end I asked the hair stylish why so many customer, he replied because we are beside NTUC -.-‘’).

Drinks are served and stylist approached us. My sister started hers first while nobody attended to my hair. My stylist basically run around. I was thinking, “is ok … I am a forgiving person. The stylist must be busy. I can understand.” He came to me finally and introduce me to a premium hair scalp treatment instead of the one I previously request. I turn down. So he proceed to put the first step treatment. 2 minutes later, he asked me to wait and left. BUT THIS IS NOT THE FIRST TIME I DO SCALP TREATMENT WHY MUST WAIT!! My blood boiled. I keep quiet though because my hair is still at his mercy. 5 minutes later he returned and asked me to follow him for a wash. Throughout, he tried to sell me more things to be include to my hair. I decline again. So he goes, “but miss very cheap you know. We are having promotion.” I said nothing but inside me, my blood still boiling for the unnecessary wait. AND when he shampoo my hair, the soap just got into both of my ears because he put too much. I AM PISSED AND BOILING.

Coming to the cut, he asked me how long should it be gone. I politely said 2 inch. And BLOODY HELL, he really cut 2 inch straight and flat. I looked stupid. Its like somebody just put a ruler and cut it horizontally straight. He blow “dry” my hair. I paid at the counter and he gave me his name card.
Outside, I crumpled when I read his name card. He is senior stylist. PLS LOR!!! If he can be senior stylist, I must be master stylist already. Don’t asked me his name, because when I saw the senior stylist title, I just crushed the name card and throw.

Back home, hb saw the back of my shirt and asked if I went to get a hair cut or a shower. The back of my shirt is WET!!! Because the senior hair stylish did not blow dry the ends of my hair. I AM SUPER PISSED OFF!!

Did I even mentioned for the entire hour hair treatment and cut, he went to answer phone, talk about tv show with his colleagues and disappear suddenly.


I will never patronize again. I will die die go back find my hair stylist even though he is relocate to a far place. 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


Coach gave me iron 8 this time instead of 7 which I used in the previous 1st lesson. Hb got the same iron 7 though.
From what I understand, The irons from 5 to 7 are typically called the "mid irons", and are generally used from the fairway and rough for longer approach shots, between 130-210 yards depending on the club, player and course. The 8 and 9 irons are commonly called the "short irons". They have the highest-mass clubheads and the shortest shafts of the numbered irons, and are used for shots requiring high loft and/or moderate to short distance (typically between 130 and 150 yards with a full swing). The short irons are traditionally regarded as the easiest to hit; however they are typically used in situations requiring very high accuracy, and so it becomes critical to minimize any effect of mis-hits. I didn’t miss any hit when I use iron 8. But it just cant fly far. My average is about 50 yards. And hb can actually hit 150 yards with iron 7. I wonder how much further he can hit with a driver.

Truly impressed.

The lesson goes on with more swing and practice using iron. Nothing much new. We also hit more balls compare to 1st lesson.

1st lesson = 50 balls

2nd lesson = 80 balls

Before we left, coach says he will teach us using driver next lesson since our swing are okay.

I cant wait!

Hb and I are also discussing about getting our own clubs so we can go practice during weekday. My wallet =(

Tuesday, March 25, 2014







































(taken from

Monday, March 24, 2014


I started on golf with the influence on some peer pressure from the office colleagues in addition to because my husband (shortcut – hub) want to try it out. To me, I was never really impressed by the driving range even when I went to the range with my sister a few times. To stand there and swing, was never something interest me. Addition to the discontentment of the driving range, I must admit the expensive of the game turn me off. Then again, since my hub pester me to try out the game with him, I oblige.

So yes, after a few to-and-fro calls with the coach we decided to engage, it is confirmed. 10 lessons at Bishan driving range – my hub and I.

We woke up late so have to rush to the range without purchasing golf gloves. We purchased 50 balls each and off we go. The coach handed us a male/female iron 7. As to what I understand, irons are the most common type of club with number most common at 3 to 9, the higher the number, the higher the loft. That’s all I know from my 1st lesson about iron. Other than that, I think hub iron is better looking then mine -.-''

Then we were taught on the 3 steps standing postures. Coach drew on the green with a line and a curve. Feet, knees, hips, forearms, shoulders and eyes should be positioned parallel to the target line. The feet is shoulder lined with the iron that I am using. Weight should be balanced on the balls of the feet, not on the heels or toes. Knees should be slightly flexed and directly over the balls of your feet for balance. Then I swing... wooosh... the ball fly to 50m. Next, the coach drop a 10 cent coin and want us to hit it instead of using the ball. I failed for 3 times and succeed right after. Then, back to more swing training.

An hour of lesson, all my fingers are sore from the grip of the clubs. We purchased our gloves before heading off. $37 each and my heart bled. Wait till I get my own golf set... =(

Overall, it was a hard game. Wrong posture and my ball flew in a bizarre direction. But when I had a good swing and the ball landed at 50m, I smile (easily contented). Hub was better in distance, although he started out badly. I think his best was 75m. However, coach did say because he is tall (184cm), he has the distance advantage.

Now I cant wait for my 2nd lesson.

Friday, February 21, 2014


how tough is it...

when you always try your best to help your family members when being asked to.

but when you needed help, they forsake you. thought you are crazy and all... thought you are being possessed and all.. just merely ask you to give birth as if you are a fucking mother cow.

I always thought family members are an asset, but are they really one? or are they the ones who trying to suck you dry for your benefits and leave once they are done.

just finding so heartbreak when the truth are cruel.

no wonder there are always a saying, only to rely on yourself and never believe on others. trust no one but yourself.

perhaps the truth comes at 28 years old is just enough time to knock me some senses.

Monday, February 10, 2014


Imagine if life were a marathon. There’s a start, a finish, and the faster you run, the further you go.
The secret to winning a marathon is to knuckle down and keep going.
Most of us live like this, but reality isn’t so two dimensional. Real life has no signs, and no straight lines. There’s just a maze of infinite options:
Some paths, like some careers, take five times longer to get where you want. Some paths, like some relationships, are dead ends.
If you were teaching a robot to navigate a maze, you wouldn’t tell it to always run forward. You’d teach it to remember where it’s going, and when it gets stuck, to go back and try a different path.
As people, we’re really good at the running forward part. With a clear stretch, we can soar ahead for miles. But we hate – we’re literally fearful – of backtracking.
To go back suggests we’ve failed, that our judgement was flawed, that our time was wasted. And the painful thing is – that’s usually true. But it doesn’t matter. The maze just is. You can back up and get on with it, or you can stay stuck in the wrong place.
No-one knows whether the turn they take next is the right one. We should expect to get lost and backtrack all the time. In fact, everybody does – it’s just by looking up at people who are way over here:
We’re blinded to the real, confused route that they took:
There are only two ways to advance your life: move forward when you can, or step backwards and try something else when you can’t.
The greatest mistake to make is standing still.


(taken from oliveremberton)


Real life is the game that – literally – everyone is playing. But it can be tough. This is your guide.


You might not realise, but real life is a game of strategy. There are some fun mini-games – like dancing, driving, running, and sex – but the key to winning is simply managing your resources.
Most importantly, successful players put their time into the right things. Later in the game money comes into play, but your top priority should always be mastering where your time goes.


Life begins when you’re assigned a random character and circumstances.
The first 15 years or so of life are just tutorial missions, which suck. There’s no way to skip these.

Young adult stage

As a young player, you’ll have lots of time and energy, but almost no experience. You’ll find most things – like the best jobs, possessions and partners – are locked until you get some.
This is the time to level up your skills quickly. You will never have so much time and energy again.
Now that you’re playing properly, your top priority is to assign your time as well as possible. Every single thing you do affects your state and your skills:

This may sound simple, but the problem is you won’t always know what tasks to choose, and your body won’t always obey your commands. Let’s break it down.
How to obey your own commands
Many players find that when they choose to do something – say “go to the gym” – their body ignores them completely.
This is not a bug. Everybody has a state, which you can’t see directly, but looks something like this:
If your state gets too low in one area, your body will disobey your own instructions until your needs are met. Try studying when you’re exhausted and hungry, and watch your concentration switch to

Your willpower level is especially important. Willpower fades throughout the day, and is replenished slightly by eating, and completely by a good night’s sleep. When your willpower is low, you are only able to do things you really want to.
Every decision you have to make costs willpower, and decisions where you have to suppress an appealing option for a less appealing one (e.g. exercise instead of watch TV) require a lot of willpower.
There are various tricks to keep your behaviour in line:
1. Keep your state high. If you’re hungry, exhausted, or utterly deprived of fun, your willpower will collapse. Ensure you take consistently good care of yourself.
2. Don’t demand too much willpower from one day. Spread your most demanding tasks over multiple days, and mix them in with less demanding ones.
3. Attempt the most important tasks first. This makes other tasks more difficult, but makes your top task more likely.
4. Reduce the need to use willpower by reducing choices. If you’re trying to work on a computer that can access Facebook, you’ll need more willpower because you’re constantly choosing the hard task over the easy one. Eliminate such distractions.

A key part of playing the game is balancing your competing priorities with the state of your body. Just don’t leave yourself on autopilot, or you’ll never get anything done.

Choosing the right tasks

Choosing the right tasks at the right time is most of the game. Some tasks mostly affect your state, e.g. Others mostly affect your skills:

You need to put time into things that ensure a healthy state – like food and sleep – to keep your willpower high. And then you need to develop your skills with what you have left.
Some skills are more valuable than others. Good ones can open up whole paths like a tech tree:

Others are dead ends:

Combinations of skills are the most effective. It’s very hard to max out one skill to be the best – in fact, that’s often impossible. But it’s much easier to get pretty decent at lots of related skills that amount to something bigger, e.g.
See how psychology just helped you become both rich and attractive? You should study that.

Where you live

Your environment has a constant impact on your stats, skills, and your chances of levelling up.
It’s possible to play the game well almost anywhere, but it’s a lot easier in certain places. If you’re female and in the wrong country, for example, you can’t unlock many achievements.
The odds of anyone being born in their optimal location are virtually zero, so research your options, and consider moving early. Location is a multiplier to all of your skills and states.

Finding a partner

Attraction is a complex mini-game in itself, but mostly a by-product of how you’re already playing. If you have excellent state and high skills, you’re far more attractive already. A tired, irritable, unskilled player is not appealing, and probably shouldn’t be looking for a relationship.
Early in the game it can be common to reject and be rejected by other players. This is normal, but unfortunately it can drain your state, as most players don’t handle rejection or rejecting well. You’ll need to expend willpower to keep going, and willpower is replenished by sleep, so give it time.
80% of finding someone comes down to being your most attractive self, which – like so much in life – just means putting your time in the right places. If you’re exercising, socialising, well nourished and growing in your career, you will radiate attraction automatically. The remaining 20% is simply putting yourself in places where you can meet the right people.

Money money money

Later in the game you’ll have to manage a new resource called ‘money’. Most players will find money increases throughout the early game, but that this actually introduces more problems, not less.
The most important rule of money is never to borrow it, except for things that earn you more back. For example, education or a mortgage can be worthwhile (but are not necessarily so, depending on the education or the mortgage). Borrowing to buy new shoes is not.
Depending on your financial ambitions, here are a few strategies to bear in mind:
1. Not fussed about money. The low-stress strategy: simply live within your means and save a little for a rainy day. Be sure to make the best of all the time you save though, or you’ll regret it.
2. Well off. Choose a career and environment carefully, and be prepared to move often to move up. You’ll need to invest heavily in matching skills, which will cost you time, and be careful not to abuse your state or you’ll burn out.
3. Mega rich. Start your own business. It’s almost impossible to get rich working for someone else.

Riches do not come from work alone, they come from  owning things – assets – that pay back more than they cost, and your own company is a powerful asset you can create from scratch. Compound your winnings into more assets, and eventually they can remove your need to work at all.

Later life

Your options change as the game progresses. Marriage and children will reduce your time and energy, and introduce more random elements into the game (“Emergency diaper change!”). This makes it harder to develop yourself as quickly.
Older characters usually have more skills, resources and experience, unlocking quests that were previously impossible, like “owning a house”, or “writing a (good) novel”.
All players die after about 29,000 days, or 80 years. If your stats and skills are good, you might last a little longer. There is no cheat code to extend this.
At the start of the game, you had no control over who you were or your environment. By the end of the game that becomes true again. Your past decisions drastically shape where you end up, and if you’re happy, healthy, fulfilled – or not – in your final days there’s far less you can do about it.
That’s why your strategy is important. Because by the time most of us have figured life out, we’ve used up too much of the best parts.

Now you’d best get playing.

(taken from oliveremberton)

Monday, January 27, 2014


There was a blind girl who hated herself just because she was blind. She hated everyone, except her loving boyfriend. He was always there for her. She said that if she could only see the world, she would marry her boyfriend.

One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her and then she could see everything, including her boyfriend. Her boyfriend asked her, “now that you can see the world, will you marry me?”The girl was shocked when she saw that her boyfriend was blind too, and refused to marry him. Her boyfriend walked away in tears, and later wrote a letter to her saying: “Just take care of my eyes dear.” This is how human brain changes when the status changed. Only few remember what life was before, and who’s always been there even in the most painful situations.

Taken from: avmediastudio

Friday, January 24, 2014


I am amazed that I still couldn’t get a black dress after yesterday evening few hours of browsing, trying and walking. Either the one I wanted has no size or just look weird in me. And if you sit down and think, having a little black dress is perhaps the most essential, because it can just take you practically anywhere. The obvious reason is that it is simple yet elegant.

Guess I’ll just keep trying to find my perfect little black dress then.

Friday, January 17, 2014


By Dinesh Dayani
(taken from

Published on 15 Jan, 2014

A Singaporean perspective on why we should not feel guilty about job-hopping in today’s working environment.

A lot of the people we talk to about job-hoppers speak about them with great contempt. These people are described as failures, dysfunctional and inherently defective.  They are further dismissed as bad hires with flawed personalities, destined to live out mediocre careers of limited potential.

We read a recent article on CNBC claiming that 87% of workers in Singapore expect to have new employers within the next 12 months. We are pretty sure if you exclude those who are on work passes, this number will edge even higher. Whichever way you look at it, this is a staggering figure.

However, we don’t necessarily think that this is a bad thing. Employers increasingly claim Singapore is a pampered and smothered nation, filled with lousy workers. Employees constantly complain about their bosses and their pay packets. Hence, there are more reasons than ever to have a mercenary-type mindset.

1.    Loyalty does not pay, anymore

Loyalty to companies is an outdated ideology that does not work anymore. Workers often feel bereft of advancement opportunities as new hires come in to take positions above them that they feel they can fill. It is frustrating teaching new employees under your management how to do their job, it’s infinitely worse teaching your new manager on how he or she is suppose to do their job.

People increasingly see their hard work and overtime in under-paying jobs rewarded with bigger expectations of how they can contribute more. They are often passed up for promotions and given more work as their stints within the company increase. If they are unlucky (or lucky depending on how you see it), they get laid off during times of bad years.

Bosses prioritise loyalty to profit margins over employees in tough times. Gone are the days of roughing it out together or getting a golden handshake after giving your best years to an employer. Even companies likeSingTel are finding ways to terminate long serving staff with more creative ways to offer minimal gratitude. Read this article on how workers were “moved” to a Chinese business partner. We can’t afford a legal team so we will just leave you to decide on what this move actually means.

Progressively, bosses are moving towards hiring contract staff that do not get any work benefits and are treated like second-class employees in their own companies. So why should employees show loyalty in return? It makes more sense to show yourself some loyalty, to go after jobs that you want, that pays a fair salary that commensurate with the high cost of living in Singapore and not the salary asked from workers in other Asian countries. To get a job where you can actually spend time with your partner, your children and your parents.

Most importantly, get a job where your bosses actually appreciate having you in the team.

There are also the delusional bosses who think they run the best companies in the world, and that you should be thankful for the opportunity to work for their company. They think they are creating jobs for the local economy while hiring the maximum number of foreigners they are legally allowed to.  They’re also out of touch with young people and make remarks that sink morale in every member of their staff.

Under these bosses, you get no job satisfaction; and you actually get annoyed a lot, and feel claustrophobic even with your Marina Bay view at the desk of your 27th floor office.

 2. Job hoppers are go-getters, quite a few of them

Being a job-hopper comes with many perks. You’ve acquired a quick wit after being put into many background cross-examinations by potential employers. You’re always learning fresh things and meeting new people. You feel reassured when you meet your school mates who are still stuck in the same old job with the same lousy work terms after four years of selling their souls and putting in hours of unpaid overtime at their company, which is also, coincidentally, the company they hate the most in this world.

People who are willing to switch up jobs just when it gets comfortable are risk-takers and go-getters. Bosses should want them in their teams. Rather than getting someone who doesn’t mind being stagnated in life, isn’t it better to get a person who wants to constantly be forward moving in his or her career? Wouldn’t you want that type of personality in your company? Someone who takes initiative in his or her life. Or as what we like to call them: outstanding workers.

3.    Generation Y workers – chasing dreams, and having strength

Another reason why more and more workers are staying in jobs for shorter and shorter durations are because young people are not afraid to chase their dreams now. The younger generation want more than just well paying and stable jobs, they want jobs they enjoy.

They also want jobs where they learn, become better workers, meet new people, work in dynamic projects and the rest on the list. Gen Y workers grew up having it all, and want more. This may appear as a demanding trait but it should not be seen as a flaw. Instead it’s having the strength and character to reach for your dream, and when a worker has that kind of ambition, he or she will put in their best effort in everything they do.

Bosses should strive to have such ambitious workers (outstanding workers) because these are people who will want to challenge themselves and how work is traditionally done. So don’t tell them to accept the same old HR policies that have been in place for the past 20 years, because all they really want to do is to make it better. Be it at your company (ideally), or elsewhere.

They want their work to be an experience of self-fulfillment over the traditional role of money worshipping. That’s not to mean they’re any less committed, they want to have the freedom to do the best job they can instead of committing their working lives to be “yes”-men to please their bosses and be subservient to them. Good bosses will know the difference.

 4.    Nature of the times we live in

This is perhaps the only reason where strength of character doesn’t come to the fore in the short life span of a worker being in a job.

In modern times, more and more people are being offered contract jobs doing very specific roles that do not have shelf lives beyond their contract period. It does not guarantee a permanent job, and workers are left to find new employment after their contracts. This takes us back to the “Loyalty does not pay” point earlier.

We are also living in a time that is good for Asia, and where unemployment is vastly lower than in Europe or the USA. The unemployment rate in Singapore is at 1.8% right now, so the current generation does not feel as blessed to have a job as much as our parents or grandparents did, or even fellow workers in Europe and America.

Gen Y workers here want more than jobs and careers, they want passion and fulfillment in their jobs and careers.


All that said, the modern worker must remain relevant, resourceful and effective. Because of their long resumes, hirers have some validity in questioning their commitment. They must avoid falling into the trap of being considered as a difficult person to work with, or someone who has shoddy work attitude.

Also, logically, as a boss, you will resist filling your entire staff with people who are “flight risks”. Sure a couple of mavericks littered here and there could work wonders, but the dangers of high attrition rates at the office can have negative impacts on morale, office stability and consistency of work.

There are many positives and some persisting negative in being a standout job-hopper, and bosses should start seeing the benefits of having such employees as well. These worldly workers could turn out to be better hirers for their employers with their broad based experience, various skillsets, familiarity with the industry, its challenges and inner workings as well as the network of people they know. And relevant bosses will be able to tap into these reservoirs of insight to get the best out of this new breed of highly driven workers instead of always bemoaning the job-hopping culture and constantly critisising such people.




As age grows, I tend to understand myself better than before. I was a typical introvert, upgraded to an improved version of an extrovert. I used to hate the limelight, not going to stuck my neck out for anyone and don’t talk straight into a topic with a stranger. My job, which requires me to talk and mingle with international human beings, opens me up greatly. It is kind of a reversal of character suddenly. But opening up doesn’t bring a lot of happiness either, because I might have to deal with criticism, rejection and exposure to judgement. Yet, I prefer who I am now, as keeping silent will only create misunderstanding even deeper.
Once a while, I do goes back to a safe mode zone, by locking myself away. Staying in my own world in my room doing what I like to do without disturbance. With the vibrant city out there, it is good to have the silent back to cool things.
My family doesn’t feel there is an improved in character in me. When I told them I want to do a different field in career which requires lots of action and mingle with human beings, they feel I couldn’t handle it basis my character. Yes, I was disappointed, because they don’t support my ideas. They don’t see the changes in my character. To them, I will always not be a colourful as my sibling. It’s tough when nobody support what you enjoy, just because they think this is who you are in their perspective. No, I am not talking about sibling rivalry, only wish they could have understand me a bit better. Now going back to my parents’ home, aint feel like a welcoming home anymore. I am like a stranger, penetrating into their lives.

Thursday, January 2, 2014


I am an oxen. And below (one of them) clearly illustrates my character.

The Metal Element expresses structure, fixed values, strength of will and fluency of speech. The nature of Metal is to define and to strengthen. This Element symbolises clear thinking, sincerity and accuracy. Metal Element people have the gift of structure and the ability to interface easily with the outside world. Those born under Metal set and follow their goals with vigor and passion. Metal is determined and fixed, holding each sign in a position of strength by serving as a foundation. Metal Ox people work harder and more scrupulously than most people, including other Oxen. They always show a boldness and drive and will stop at nothing to achieve their goals. Like all Oxen, they are completely trustworthy and dependable, but they are not ones to display their emotions freely or openly. These Oxen have the strength of steel, with a will to match. Often, this strength and ruthless will make it difficult for them to identify with the feelings of others around them. However, an Ox is always willing to defend what he knows to be true and won’t give up until he has proven what he knows to be true.


The Water element gives the Ox a flexibility and liberty. Water Oxen are as hard-working as anyone, and particularly systematic, and are probably the quickest-thinking of the other elemental Oxen. They are much more prepared than the other Oxen to recognize the pints of view of others and to think about their ideas and suggestions, making them easy to work with in a business environment. They generally consider the feelings of others which makes them good room-mates or partners. In addition, their sincerity and patience ensures their popularity with friends, peers and family. The Water Ox expresses feelings, reflection and sensitivity. Symbolic of feelings and emotions. Water descends, seeks out and fills low places, especially the hearts of the disheartened and needy. Those born under the Element of Water are guided by their feelings and the need to communicate. The Water Element endows one with a lucid and quick mind; however , this element is chaos because it does not have it’s own form rather it takes shape of whatever contains it. Water Element have the ability to persuade and manipulate others and their environment. The Element of Water blesses it’s natives with a deep spiritual nature and the ability to thrive in many social situations. Those born into Water years possess the extraordinary intuition and function as a kind of spiritual barometer in this life.  


Understanding and fair, these are the least unyielding of the Oxen and the most apt to change and accept new ideas. A more liberal attitude gives them the ability to appreciate the value of being a part of a team, and other members of the team respect the high principles of the Wood Ox. They are particularly self-confident giving them an air of unspoken authority. This characteristic means that Wood Oxen are often chosen as leaders or spokespeople. They also have a shorter fuse than other Ox people, and are more likely to be outspoken or to stand up in a crowd to be heard. These Oxen are quite devoted to those they love and make strong and affectionate friends and relations. The Wood Element expresses imagination, creativity and compassion. Also represents the family and artistic theory. The nature of wood is move upwards toward the light, to spread and expand. Wood Element people have high-minded values and believe in dignity of every human being. The Element also brings cooperation, so people born under this element understand the value of teamwork and excel in organising large projects. They are progressive thinkers and far sighted in their goals and ventures. The Wood Element endows each with natural presence; however, Wood is also incendiary and capable of producing a combustible temper.


Being born under the fire sign gives these Oxen dynamic qualities. Their leadership capabilities are tremendous, and they have to desire to be in charge so they generally hold positions of status and importance at work and in the community. They are capable of being extremely objective, but these Oxen can display hot tempers, throw temper-tantrums or be unusually impulsive in their decision-making. This can be dangerous because it may cause them to brush aside valuable ideas, discarding them before actually considering the implications associated with doing so. Even so, they tend to be loyal people. Devoutly dedicated to their family. The Fire Element expresses dynamic passion, energy, aggression and leadership. The nature of fire is to arouse, convert,consume, resolve and bring out an outcome.This Element will tend to multiply signs inborn talents and energies. Fire Element people have the gifts of leadership, passion and assertiveness. Decisive and masterful, those born under this element rarely have trouble making decisions  and the attract others with their strong and radiant personalities. Fire Element souls have an abundance of energy that produces impatience. The movement of Fire is rapid and can consume one’s energies if not properly balanced with relaxation and moderation. This Element also represents the ability to be decisive, to lead and to act spontaneously without forethought. Fire punctuates each sign with an exclamation mark!


The most reliable and diligent Oxen belong to this collection of Oxen. The Earth element balances many of their negative characteristics. These Oxen are show good judgement, a good characteristic for successful financial dealings. Other people tend to look up to Earth Oxen because of their reliability, sincerity and their modest ambitions. They are willing to tackle the workload when it become overbearing for others and are loyal and compassionate with family and friends.  The Earth Element expresses stability, reliability and common sense. The nature of Earth is to ”ground,” to keep whole, and to preserve. The Earth is symbolic of the mother’s protected womb of peace and safety. Those born under the Earth Element are both practical and industrious. They have exceptional powers of organisation and are competent masterminds and executives. Honest, serious and conservative, Earth Element people are capable of making wise decisions. 

 Taken from 'My Eden Project'